Surrounded by hills rises Alba, capital of the Langhe hills known for complex products that characterize it, for tradition, its dialects, its colors, wide and deep valleys, its still pristine silence, the its nature.

Alba, a pre-Roman origins fascinates tourists with the inhabitant and the Renaissance and Baroque palaces and towers above all with its red-brick towers that dominate the old town and were built by noble families in the city XIV and XV century. It is said that there were a hundred. Hence the name "city of a hundred towers." In fact, the peaks that rise above the roofs of the houses are only a dozen, many of which are lowered or redone. The paths that run along the route of the ancient walls form a compact center, a medieval structure, full of houses, with Gothic-Romanesque monuments of the Lombard sign and the Baroque period.
addition to the capital of the Langhe, Alba is the capital of good wine, truffles and good food: it claims to be the home of tajarin all'albese and meat, which is accompanied by other typical dishes of the region and the rich availability of raw materials: in addition to Alba truffles are mushrooms, vegetables, game and fruit characteristics.
A true gem, to visit, live and .. enjoy.

Known throughout the world, the International Fair of the Alba White Truffle Festival, held every year in October and beyond to promote the national gastronomic symbol par excellence, back in time with the so-called carousel of cento torri che prevede l'investitura del podestà, rievocazioni di episodi di vita medioevale nelle strade cittadine e il Palio degli Asini, la città si veste di drappi e stemmi dei vari borghi che concorrono in una corsa dove i protagonisti non sono i cavali ma gli asini, più umili e senz'altro più comici.

Le colline avvolgono Alba, in uno scenario meraviglioso, con i loro vigneti e i loro castelli, le piu interessanti dimore storiche del Piemonte svelano un intero patrimonio artistico disegnando in un'alternaza di colori e forme, la storia, le tradizioni e la cultura del territorio.