Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Way To Reset Brookstone Tsa Lock

how to cook lentils for Christmas?

Arriva il freddo e Nonno Mario consiglia... la Polenta, la Minestra di Farro, la Zuppa di Legumi e Cereali e .... le Lenticchie!

Sembra che la lenticchia sia il legume più antico, già coltivato nel 7000 a.C. , diffuso poi velocemente in tutto il Mediterraneo dove divenne il cibo base dei popoli poveri della Grecia e di Roma.

Ha un grandissimo valore nutritivo, essendo infatti ricca di proteine, vitamine and minerals.

The flavor of these vegetables will vary depending on the size and color, and certainly the most delicious ones are small.

must always be stored away from moisture, and, once open, preferably in a glass container placed in a cool, dry and dark so that they can keep for a year.

As for the cooking we recommend the use of steel cookware, cast iron or clay and aluminum, as will become black. In addition to the classic

Cotechino with Leticchie, there are many recipes that find their use ... try it!

recipe lentils stewed


300 g. Lentil
50 g.
half of bacon red onion
extra virgin olive oil 4 tomatoes peeled

L.1, 5 beef stock salt and pepper

PREPARATION: Put in a pan

thinly sliced \u200b\u200bonion, add oil extra virgin olive oil and saute lightly, add the bacon cut into small cubes, about 5 minutes, add the lentils, raw and have washed carefully, stir and add the tomatoes, stir and add a little 'broth, cook for about two hours, gradually adding more broth and season with salt and pepper. Serve hot with toasted bread in the dish.

risotto recipe with lentils


150 g. 300 grams of lentils

100 g. 50 g. of butter
1 onion parmesan

100 cl
broth salt and pepper


Soak the lentils overnight, then put them in cold water and cook for 30 minutes. Drain and set aside the cooking liquid.
Sauté onion in butter, add the lentils, salt, pepper and two tablespoons of cooking water and cook for 30 minutes over high heat.

Add the rice and the broth a little at a time until completely cooked. Serve with grated Parmesan.


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