Since ancient times the rose symbolizes love and beauty. A greek myth tells that the Greek goddess Cloris stumbled into a beautiful nymph who was dead and decided to turn it into a flower. Aphrodite added to the beauty of this flower, the Three Graces the joy and charm, Dionysius the Zephyr with a delicate fragrance and a breath away the clouds so Apollo could flood it with sunshine. He was then given to Eros, the god of love, which he named the rose the "Queen of Flowers". Every rose has a different meaning depending on its color. Pink coral
: Desiderio Rosa
orange: Charm
Rosa Peach: Love
pink rose dark secret: Gratitude
pale pink Rose: Joy
Red Rose: Love sensual
White Rose: Purity
Yellow Rose: Jealousy
To Although it may seem bizarre, rose petals came overwhelmingly in the catering business, in the realization of pasta dishes and as an accompaniment to meat. In principle, some Parisian chef appreciated only color and aroma of this flower only use as a garnish their creations. Soon, however, we realized that the species present can give a special touch just when used as ingredients. The history of the use of pink in the kitchen, then goes through several stages. Among the special dishes are lasagne "medieval way," for which prepares a thin sheet of leavened dough such as bread, cooked in boiling water and seasoned with parmesan, and ground spices with rose petals, to savor stick a fork in the Middle Ages because it has not yet been invented. Classical tradition of pastry and jelly or jam pink roses and violets. Far more intriguing
every recipe that uses the flower as a garnish, but as an ingredient: very simple - but highly effective - an omelette of roses with a touch of ginger or nutmeg added to the mixture of egg and Parmesan.
( http://www.mangiarebene.com/ - http://www.lospicchiodaglio.it/ )
this line Nonno Mario proposes RISOTTO WITH ROSE , available soon on the website http://www.nonnomario.com/
Ingredients: Rice Rome, Rose Petals (3%), shitake mushrooms, onions, chives. From
sauté in pan with a little oil, salt, pepper and onion finely chopped. Proceed as in cooking for a classic risotto, adding hot stock and a knob of butter to thicken. Serve with Parmesan cheese.
Bon Appetit!
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