Monday, November 29, 2010

Multiple Gallbladder Polyps And Liver Problem

Solidarity St. John

TORINO - Write Don Mauro Mergola , director of the Salesian San Giovanni Evangelista, Torino: "At the event yesterday, Sunday, Nov. 28, against racism and the CIE, a protester has smeared a wall Salesian Oratory St. Luigi Via Madama Cristina 1, accusing the Church of being an accomplice in the management of CIE. If there is a setting of the Catholic Church in Turin, where little attention is paid to immigrants is this oratorio.
We find Filipinos, there is a shelter for unaccompanied minors, children participate in the life of the oratory from over 25 nations attend Italian language courses for foreigners about 250 people, this is the business of education street to Valentine, the Murazzi and Piazza Cavour, in addition to the distribution of used clothing.
These are just some of the services for migrant youth so that they can be recognized as individuals worthy of Fundamental Rights of the reception, alla formazione e alla integrazione. Grazie all'Oratorio San Luigi si costruisce un'autentica società umanamente integrata."

Durante la manifestazione dei centri sociali contro il razzismo e contro i CIE, centri di identificazione ed espulsione, avvenuta sabato scorso a Torino, sono comparse sui muri dell'oratorio salesiano San Luigi, in via Ormea 4, scritte contro la Chiesa definita "Complice dei Cie e delle espulsioni". Una realtà, quella dell'Oratorio San Luigi, che ospita giovani provenienti da oltre 25 nazionalità, nella quale è presente un centro di accoglienza di minori stranieri, con 12 ragazzi provenienti da Albania, Marocco, Egitto e Senegal. La property is also home to the chaplaincy of the more than 10,000 Filipinos in Turin and its province. We feel

Director, Don Mauro Mergola

Contact: Don Mauro
Salesian Institute Director and San Giovanni Evangelista
Oratorio San Luigi Via Madama Cristina 1, TORINO
tel.011.6590670 - 011.6590511, fax 011.6590622

* thank you


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