Friday, March 11, 2011

Why Does Alabama Helmet Have 12

We, too, Pecha Kucha! Recycle with style

The Pecha Kucha is an ancient Mayan ritual and bloody, but a nice way to find unusual and different companies in a short time and see the effect it does. The idea is simple: every company has 20 minutes to 20 slides (one slide per minute and then) to present the best. Comments are banned self-celebrating wasters and the rants of convention business results and goals. We wanted to organize a sort of redux Pecha Kucha, and we have reduced the time available to each company to three minutes only (though we have vacated the number of slides, in case someone wants to still go 20 ...) The result is afternoon was a very funny (there have been presentations that have breached the limit of three minutes merciless and the Zen of 1 minute poor) but also useful for professional purposes. The evening ended with beer and chips. What more could you want?! If you want you can look at the photo gallery of the evening on Facebook.


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