Thursday, February 3, 2011

Genital Herpes Relief


Bagna cauda Literally hot sauce, is a typical dish from Piedmont, in particular native of Asti, Langhe, Roero and Monferrato, in the provinces of Cuneo, Turin, Alessandria and Asti.
It is said that the tenants in the late Middle Ages, they want an unusual dish to celebrate the tapping of new wine, which marked the development of safe collected more troubled, struggling more and more insidious: the vino.Pare which would also with a certain social polemic, adopt and promote a festive dish, and rustic folk, tasty and strong, by contrast to the usual, lean and enervated roasts icing sugar and scented with attar of roses and violets of Lords.
Fu scelto, così, di appaiare materie prime largamente diffuse e localmente disponibili: i buoni ortaggi piemontesi ed il prezioso aglio (prescritto dagli Statuti Medioevali e dai Bandi Campestri come coltura obbligatoria per ogni coltivatore proprietario), l’olio di oliva, scarsamente prodotto in Piemonte (che pure a quel tempo prima delle grandi variazioni climatiche aveva ulivi) e, per la maggior parte, importato dalla vicina Liguria in cambio di grano, burro e formaggio e l'acciuga salata in barili, usata tuttora in molte ricette tipiche piemontesi, soprattutto tra gli antipasti. L'antico Piemonte si approvvigionava presso le saline della Provenza e delle foci del Rodano, attraverso una serie di rotte commerciali attraversanti i passi Maritime Alps and known as "salt roads . The salt roads were the old routes and shipping routes used by ancient merchants of salt.

There is no single way of salt: the peoples of Emilia, Lombardy and Piedmont each had its own network of paths and connections to take the goods, mainly wool and weapons to the sea there and recover the salt, then valuable food preservation in the long run. The production of cheese and sausages, the preservation of meat, fish and olives also require large amounts of the precious element. But also crafts such as leather tanning and dyeing required the use of salt.
Bagna cauda dipping wears different kinds of seasonal vegetables (especially thistles, baked onions, peppers, raw or cooked, raw cabbage leaves, artichokes, beets, steamed and many others).
link the Po Valley to Liguria or the French territories of Provence were allowed to trade in this precious material, which was difficult to find in the regions of the north, far from the sea.
Legend has it that the trade of salted anchovies was a way to trade the salt and avoid paying the high duties. In fact, in the Piedmont region of the old regime Gabella salt was not compulsory and a charge related to consumption. Not only that, the anchovies were much more expensive, and their price was sustainable only in relation to the small amount of purchase.

Once the Bagna cauda was consumed in a convivial drawing from a single container (Peil), at the center of the table.

today have become traditional terracotta in special containers (fojòt) consisting of a bowl that has undergone a stove to keep warm the sauce. The real recipe
Piedmont provides for 4 people, 150g of oil, 250g of anchovies, 4 heads of garlic and a glass of milk.
is recommended for attutre taste stronger and therefore easier to digest, to marinate the sliced \u200b\u200bgarlic for a couple of hours in milk. After
chopped anchovies and put them in hot oil, keeping a low temperature add the drained garlic and cook everything for about twenty minutes. Result
many variations of Bagna Cauda who see the addition of cream, butter and margarine to make the sauce creamier and, many say, more digestible.
An excellent combination of Bagna Cauda Grandpa Mario is the one with the peppers in the oven, another traditional starter.
Wash and dry the peppers and place in a baking dish. 250gradi to cook for forty minutes, turning halfway through cooking. Once removed from the baking pan, wrap the bags paper and let cool: it will be so much easier to peel. Once peeled, place the slices on a serving platter and drizzle with a thin layer of Bagna Cauda and a drizzle of oil. Before serving, go to the grill for 5 minutes.

Nonno Mario offers you already grilled peppers in oil : excellent ... try it!


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