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"The constellations have nothing to do with astrology. This is" , explains Alessandra Chiappero , writer, copywriter and trainer who will lead the seminar, "a powerful technique that allows you to uncover, recognize and dissolve nodes that are a result of the adversity endured by their ancestors. These limitations often disabling, have created a set of laws 'unwritten' and invisible loyalties that govern the system's balance family, company, nation. "
" A publication that presents total prosperity, satisfaction, value widespread and abundant life energy, "explains Alessandra, "depends largely on the system allowed the family has given to his descendants. Dissolve old energy blocks help to find their unconditional nature, life and freedom to create powerful, great goals. "
The seminar is aimed at anyone looking for:
- explore the causes of conflicts and failures in personal life e professionale;
- intercettare e scoprire nodi o condizionamenti nella propria famiglia d’origine;
- riscoprire le proprie risorse creative e affettive;
Decisamente utile di questi, in cui la ricerca di nuove opportunità professionali spinge spesso all'incontro con limiti e blocchi psicologici personali che non sapevamo nemmeno di avere e che non possiamo più permetterci di mettere da parte. La partecipazione è gratuita, si consiglia la prenotazione.
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