Sunday, January 23, 2011

Can U Get A Virus From Brazilian Waxing


Devo ringraziare  TITTI e  MARY that I have named "sunshine"! As they did on their wonderful blog tell you seven things about me!

1 - I love the White ... My favorite flowers are white roses and I can not wait to decorate my new house with a candid style.

2 - I like to travel and visit the city. Prepare the bag gives me joy, I savor the happiness of the journey.

3 - I am dealing with (I am a graduate in Environmental Sciences) and I enjoy my job ... but if you ever change the road ... Well, I have a delightful shop of my own!

4 - When I was little I read "The Secret Garden" of Burnett and I remained in my heart. Since then, the garden with the ivy that climbs the surrounding walls are magical places to me.

5 - Something che NON SOPPORTO... le urla, e le spalline che cadono sul braccio!
6 - Di cosa ho PAURA? Di qualunque cosa possa scoppiare... compresi i palloncini!

7 - Sono PERFEZIONISTA e VEZZOSA... ho molta cura delle mie cose e ne sono gelosa!

E ora vorrei nominare:


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