Thursday, January 27, 2011

How Much Protein Should I Be Taking



Turin, Thursday, January 27, 2011 - Today was held the annual ordinary shareholders' meeting of Public Civil Service Board (Tesco) at the headquarters in Turin, Via Garibaldi 13.

The agenda, particularly intense, provides:

· a 'careful and lucid analysis of the current situation of the National Civil Service;

· programming of significant events aimed the promotion of values \u200b\u200band culture of the civil service;

· the renewal of the Board membership of the association.

The proceedings were opened by the outgoing greeting of the President, Luca Magosso , who, describing the hard work done over the past five years, complained on behalf of the entire table of drastic cuts in current government policies on welfare, who have spared the Institute of Civil Service National.

At the end of his term, Luca Magosso urged the Board to address not only the institution or institutions, but also and especially to those who have lived and live the experience of civil service in person.

After the meeting unanimously elected the new president Don Alberto Martelli, Director of Youth Ministry of the Salesians of Don Bosco in Piedmont, Valle d'Aosta and Lithuania and Representative Committee of the Inter-Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta Federation SCS / CNOS.

La vicepresidenza è stata assegnata al presidente uscente, Luca Magosso , che si è reso disponibile a rinnovare il proprio impegno per l’associazione.

Inoltre, il nuovo Ufficio di Presidenza , risulta così composto:

· Roberto Santoro – Acli Provinciali di Torino;

· Sara Dalmasso – Aism (Italian Association for Multiple Sclerosis),

· Luca Magosso - Centro Studi Sereno Regis;

· Fabio Gallo - Community Pope John XXIII;

· David Paschetto - Commission Synod Diakonia for Valdese;

· Graziella Foul - Caritas, which he was appointed Secretary of the association.

Don Alberto Martelli and thanked his predecessor for his excellent work, said: "Tesco must breathe with two lungs: one political and institutional , strengthening relationships with local institutions to order to stimulate their attention to youth policy, and that operating , relaunching the National Civil Service as an opportunity for young people to education and training for active citizenship through the dynamics of ' learning by doing .

Board of Public Civil Service (Tesco)

The Public Civil Service Board is an association of nonprofit social promotion. Founded on democratic principles and pursue the promotion of the values \u200b\u200bof solidarity, peace and nonviolence through the cultural promotion of the National Civil Service and the promotion of integration between the agencies engaged in Piedmont community service.

The major institutions that members are: ACLI Provincial Torino, Centro Studi Sereno Regis, AISM (Italian Association for Multiple Sclerosis), ANPAS. Piedmont Regional Committee, ARCI Civil Service Federation SCS / CNOS - Salesians and the Daughters of Mary Help of Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta, Community Association Pope John XXIII, GI.OC, Monviso Consortium Solidarity, Cuneo Province, Cooperative League of the Piedmont Regional Committee, Committee for the Synod Diakonia Valdese, Coordination for Peace of the Province of Turin.


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