Thursday, November 20, 2008

Where To Buy Margarita Frozen Bucket

OFFER: Christmas at your house!

Come the parties and the questions about how our tables full of food is a problem common to many.

not easy to create an original menu and refined at the same time without investing too much time and money in search of ideas and ingredients for our dishes.

In this regard, Grandpa Mario offers you a fine selection of gourmet products deliciously combined, ranging from appetizers to desserts, including small and dainty details such as sauces and white truffle oil that will make your table a real tribute to Piedmontese cuisine.

Thinks Grandpa Mario with ' offer Christmas at your house !

to your home with only € 50 products for many lunches and dinners of the Feast of success:

- GRISSINI Mariolino
GR 300 - GR 280
Piedmontese antipasti - PEPPERS STUFFED WITH TUNA
GR 300 - EGG tajarin
GR 500 - GR 180
- green sauce
GR 90 - GR 90 RED BATH
(Vs to flavor meat dishes)
GR 100 - GR 100
(per accompagnare i formaggi)

Prezzo: € 50.00

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Way To Reset Brookstone Tsa Lock

how to cook lentils for Christmas?

Arriva il freddo e Nonno Mario consiglia... la Polenta, la Minestra di Farro, la Zuppa di Legumi e Cereali e .... le Lenticchie!

Sembra che la lenticchia sia il legume più antico, già coltivato nel 7000 a.C. , diffuso poi velocemente in tutto il Mediterraneo dove divenne il cibo base dei popoli poveri della Grecia e di Roma.

Ha un grandissimo valore nutritivo, essendo infatti ricca di proteine, vitamine and minerals.

The flavor of these vegetables will vary depending on the size and color, and certainly the most delicious ones are small.

must always be stored away from moisture, and, once open, preferably in a glass container placed in a cool, dry and dark so that they can keep for a year.

As for the cooking we recommend the use of steel cookware, cast iron or clay and aluminum, as will become black. In addition to the classic

Cotechino with Leticchie, there are many recipes that find their use ... try it!

recipe lentils stewed


300 g. Lentil
50 g.
half of bacon red onion
extra virgin olive oil 4 tomatoes peeled

L.1, 5 beef stock salt and pepper

PREPARATION: Put in a pan

thinly sliced \u200b\u200bonion, add oil extra virgin olive oil and saute lightly, add the bacon cut into small cubes, about 5 minutes, add the lentils, raw and have washed carefully, stir and add the tomatoes, stir and add a little 'broth, cook for about two hours, gradually adding more broth and season with salt and pepper. Serve hot with toasted bread in the dish.

risotto recipe with lentils


150 g. 300 grams of lentils

100 g. 50 g. of butter
1 onion parmesan

100 cl
broth salt and pepper


Soak the lentils overnight, then put them in cold water and cook for 30 minutes. Drain and set aside the cooking liquid.
Sauté onion in butter, add the lentils, salt, pepper and two tablespoons of cooking water and cook for 30 minutes over high heat.

Add the rice and the broth a little at a time until completely cooked. Serve with grated Parmesan.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

South Park Online For Ipod Touch

gift baskets are coming!

The food packages have won already for some years, the first among the types of gifts that the Italians are ready to buy for Christmas, thus reducing 'the risk of presents "wrong" and maximizing profits by purchasing spending, intended to find a place in the pantries in every home .

And then give natural food produce, local craft and become a valuable idea and always appreciated.

lot of ideas to impress friends and family plenty of options for corporate gifts: accurate combinations of delicious local cuisine collected in baskets for a gift of great effect.

Nonno Mario presents his baskets in three sizes: Mignon, Medium and Gold all packaged with utmost care and respect for the many details.

Also ... in each basket you can put a bottle of fine wine DOC Piedmont Langhe Bianco, Dolcetto d'Alba, Barbera d'Alba or Nebbiolo Langhe

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

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78 th International Fair of the Alba White Truffle

's coming Autumn .... the season for revealing to viewers as the most famous beauty of the area around Alba: September marks the advent of the most important fact enogastronomy events and local culture. For

open appointments, the Wine Festival: Sunday, September 28, 2008
the historic center of Alba will be transformed into a 'wine route' where you can taste in small stands of the local firms best wines that our region has to offer.

From October 4 to November 9 the city will host the 78th International Fair of the Alba White Truffle .

Ma .. and what 'the Nose?

It 's the fruiting body of fungi that make their entire life cycle underground.
They consist of an outer wall and an inner mass of varying color that allows the identification of the species.

Already in the eighteenth century Piedmontese truffle was considered at all the European courts between a food more appetizing. In particular, the white truffle of Alba, what is collected in the territories Langhe, Roero and Monferrato, has always been considered by far the most valuable in the years and has acquired a worldwide reputation.

Truffles are quite rare, and are edible and highly appreciated in gastronomy, there's a very high cost figures.
is rarely marketed whole and fresh, due to the exorbitant cost, the difficulty of transport and storage, and the characteristic attitude of the nose to be transformed in a creative way. Just because a small amount of truffle flavor to a dish or a sauce.

Nonno Mario introduces its line of products, all carefully prepared with truffles White or Black Alba:

tagliatelle with white truffle and black truffle

And .... at the Fair, to all customers who purchase at least € 30 (including shipping costs) will be sent a jar of truffle sauce free!

Moreover, starting from next week, you can buy on our site even the most famous Piedmontese wines!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Suggested Verbage For Baby Shower Cake

A jar of black truffle sauce for FREE!

At the Alba Truffle Fair Nonno Mario offers to all customers who purchase at least € 30 (including shipping costs) on your online store, a jar of black truffle sauce! !

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Different Between Left And Right Heart Failure

buy online or buy online? that is the question ...

This question is quite common for people who love good thing for those who can not resist the temptation when he travels to stop in the shop with local products in the farm or producer cross the street to stock up on products knows that once back home will be difficult, if not impossible to find.

Internet helps a lot in that, you can find regional products without moving from your home or office, find out which specialties even imagined to exist, but sometimes the idea scares most online purchasing.

's why I found this really beautiful and interesting small guide, written with the passion of those who seek the pleasures of good food for those who aiutara this fateful question of whether it often does.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What Shampoos And Conditioners Good For Oily Hair

New photos and new products!

The month of August was full of news for our online store : has been completely updated catalog photo shoot with crisper pictures and finally displayed in full screen to better appreciate our prodotti che si presentano con le sfiziose novità del listino del 2008 finalmente presenti anche online!

Vi proponiamo quindi una pagina interamente dedicata alle novità 2008 dove saranno disponibili quattro nuove linee dedicate, più sfiziose specialità.

Per i vostri antipasti o per dare un tocco di Piemonte ai vostri piatti, potete trovare fresche zucchine grigliate, simpatiche e gustose salsiccette di cinghiale o di maiale al tartufo sott'olio fino ad arrivare alla rara specialità della nostra terra, il tonno di coniglio oppure il tonno di gallinella, ottimi da gustare sia come un caldo secondo, che come un fresco antipasto.

Con l'arrivo di settembre We offer an impressive overview of tastes of autumn, as selected dried porcini mushrooms, a wide range of noodles combined with dressings like the venison stew, venison and pheasant.

Regain finally the various facets of the Langhe honey, from the delicate flowers of acacia variant to the simple wildflowers, through a fine combination with and Tonda Gentile delle Langhe.

Friday, July 4, 2008

How Much To Charge For A Cake

Our territory: Alba and the Langhe

Surrounded by hills rises Alba, capital of the Langhe hills known for complex products that characterize it, for tradition, its dialects, its colors, wide and deep valleys, its still pristine silence, the its nature.

Alba, a pre-Roman origins fascinates tourists with the inhabitant and the Renaissance and Baroque palaces and towers above all with its red-brick towers that dominate the old town and were built by noble families in the city XIV and XV century. It is said that there were a hundred. Hence the name "city of a hundred towers." In fact, the peaks that rise above the roofs of the houses are only a dozen, many of which are lowered or redone. The paths that run along the route of the ancient walls form a compact center, a medieval structure, full of houses, with Gothic-Romanesque monuments of the Lombard sign and the Baroque period.

addition to the capital of the Langhe, Alba is the capital of good wine, truffles and good food: it claims to be the home of tajarin all'albese and meat, which is accompanied by other typical dishes of the region and the rich availability of raw materials: in addition to Alba truffles are mushrooms, vegetables, game and fruit characteristics.
A true gem, to visit, live and .. enjoy.

Known throughout the world, the International Fair of the Alba White Truffle Festival, held every year in October and beyond to promote the national gastronomic symbol par excellence, back in time with the so-called carousel of cento torri che prevede l'investitura del podestà, rievocazioni di episodi di vita medioevale nelle strade cittadine e il Palio degli Asini, la città si veste di drappi e stemmi dei vari borghi che concorrono in una corsa dove i protagonisti non sono i cavali ma gli asini, più umili e senz'altro più comici.

Le colline avvolgono Alba, in uno scenario meraviglioso, con i loro vigneti e i loro castelli, le piu interessanti dimore storiche del Piemonte svelano un intero patrimonio artistico disegnando in un'alternaza di colori e forme, la storia, le tradizioni e la cultura del territorio.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Woman Burned At The Stake

Offerta di giugno

Con l'acquisto di N. 2 CARCIOFI GRIGLIATI 280gr e N. 2 CREME CARCIOFI E AGLIO 180gr riceverete in omaggio N. 2 RISOTTI AI CARCIOFI 300gr

China Shock Absorbing Boat Seats

Come conservare i carciofi sott'olio

Procuratevi dei carciofi piccoli, facile da trovare a fine produzione.
Mondateli eliminando i gambi, le punte spinose e le foglie esterne piú dure; quindi lavateli, tagliateli in due o quattro spicchi, a seconda della grandezza, e immergeteli in acqua e succo di limone - un limone per 5 litri d'acqua - cosí da non farli annerire.
Portate a ebollizione in una pentola un litro di vino bianco, aggiungendo 2 cucchiai d'aceto; scolate i carciofi dal limone e lasciateli cuocere nel vino per non piú di un quarto d'ora, perché devono rimanere al dente.
Dopo averli scolati, leave to dry until the next day, then arrange them in glass jars with the spices you prefer - parsley, mint, garlic, pepper and bay leaves - and cover them with oil, after a couple of days, the oil will be absorbed by the artichokes , then add more oil - up to a half inch from the edge - and capped the jars without forcing too much.
Boil 250cc .- for the indicated time (20 minutes)-500cc (30 minutes)-1000cc (40 minutes) - 1500cc (50 minutes)
Store in a dry, dark place for about a month before eating.
And ... if they made some ... cut them in half, let them marinate for an hour in olive oil and thyme sprigs and then grill the eggplant on both sides. Add salt to your liking and then accompany them with some slices of buffalo mozzarella, a real goodness!

My Dog Always Sleeps On My Slippers

A breve...

The tomato sauce is one of the best prepared preserved, especially in regions of southern Italy, where its widespread use newspaper, has made the queen of the preserves. Known around the world has become the emblem of our country kitchen.

few simple ingredients and make it the essential character of our pasta dishes, pizza and sauces in general.

Very soon, the new line of Tomato Sauce Grandpa Mario, the real "pummarola" healthy, wholesome, prepared with the traditional method, with only Italian tomatoes.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Build-in Camera Softbox

Ricetta: Come fare il pesto in casa.

Ingredients for 6:

4 bunches of fresh basil - 1 cup fresh basil
3 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese - 3 tablespoons of pecorino
- 1 tablespoon pine nuts
- some grain of salt.

To do the real Pesto alla Genovese takes a marble mortar and pestle made of wood, lots of patience. While

washed basil is left to dry on a towel should be started to pound the garlic previously enriched with a few grains of salt. Then

basil leaves are added: the rotational movement of the pestle must be continuous. When you start to see a bright green liquid fund will add the pine nuts, cheese and oil, paid by drop.

course for lack of time you can try to create this excellent sauce using, instead of mortar, blender. The important thing is that working with the blades is made as quickly as possible to avoid oxidation.