Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Woman Burned At The Stake

Offerta di giugno

Con l'acquisto di N. 2 CARCIOFI GRIGLIATI 280gr e N. 2 CREME CARCIOFI E AGLIO 180gr riceverete in omaggio N. 2 RISOTTI AI CARCIOFI 300gr

China Shock Absorbing Boat Seats

Come conservare i carciofi sott'olio

Procuratevi dei carciofi piccoli, facile da trovare a fine produzione.
Mondateli eliminando i gambi, le punte spinose e le foglie esterne piú dure; quindi lavateli, tagliateli in due o quattro spicchi, a seconda della grandezza, e immergeteli in acqua e succo di limone - un limone per 5 litri d'acqua - cosí da non farli annerire.
Portate a ebollizione in una pentola un litro di vino bianco, aggiungendo 2 cucchiai d'aceto; scolate i carciofi dal limone e lasciateli cuocere nel vino per non piú di un quarto d'ora, perché devono rimanere al dente.
Dopo averli scolati, leave to dry until the next day, then arrange them in glass jars with the spices you prefer - parsley, mint, garlic, pepper and bay leaves - and cover them with oil, after a couple of days, the oil will be absorbed by the artichokes , then add more oil - up to a half inch from the edge - and capped the jars without forcing too much.
Boil 250cc .- for the indicated time (20 minutes)-500cc (30 minutes)-1000cc (40 minutes) - 1500cc (50 minutes)
Store in a dry, dark place for about a month before eating.
And ... if they made some ... cut them in half, let them marinate for an hour in olive oil and thyme sprigs and then grill the eggplant on both sides. Add salt to your liking and then accompany them with some slices of buffalo mozzarella, a real goodness!

My Dog Always Sleeps On My Slippers

A breve...

The tomato sauce is one of the best prepared preserved, especially in regions of southern Italy, where its widespread use newspaper, has made the queen of the preserves. Known around the world has become the emblem of our country kitchen.

few simple ingredients and make it the essential character of our pasta dishes, pizza and sauces in general.

Very soon, the new line of Tomato Sauce Grandpa Mario, the real "pummarola" healthy, wholesome, prepared with the traditional method, with only Italian tomatoes.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Build-in Camera Softbox

Ricetta: Come fare il pesto in casa.

Ingredients for 6:

4 bunches of fresh basil - 1 cup fresh basil
3 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese - 3 tablespoons of pecorino
- 1 tablespoon pine nuts
- some grain of salt.

To do the real Pesto alla Genovese takes a marble mortar and pestle made of wood, lots of patience. While

washed basil is left to dry on a towel should be started to pound the garlic previously enriched with a few grains of salt. Then

basil leaves are added: the rotational movement of the pestle must be continuous. When you start to see a bright green liquid fund will add the pine nuts, cheese and oil, paid by drop.

course for lack of time you can try to create this excellent sauce using, instead of mortar, blender. The important thing is that working with the blades is made as quickly as possible to avoid oxidation.