Monday, January 31, 2011

Really Bad Herpes Outbreak

All welcome! The creative industry of Piedmont ago

Multinational companies and artists, art directors and law firms, software developers and insurance companies: in Toolbox is space for everyone and everyone has the same space!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Carp Fishing Make Machine Sausage

Rector Major at Trinity Oratory

La Visita del Rettor Maggiore a Trino sarà ricordata davvero come una giornata speciale, infatti, come si usa dire, siamo perfino riusciti a fare nevicare! Come si fa a ricevere un Rettor Maggiore che non si vedeva da queste parti da ben 52 anni (l’ultimo Rettor Maggiore a Trino è stato don Ziggiotti) in una giornata di neve? Nelle vicinanze dell’Oratorio e nei cortili lo attendevano tantissimi ragazzi, famiglie, nonni, la banda cittadina, bandiere e cartelloni, palloncini e anche una rappresentanza della Comunità Islamica che risiede a Trino. Il Rettor Maggiore, accompagnato dal Sig Ispettore don Stefano Martoglio e dal suo segretario ha salutato diverse persone tra cui tanti ragazzi, bambini e giovani e le autorità.

Entrando in teatro che si è riempito fino al limite della capienza, i n ostri animatori con tanti ragazzi , hanno accolto il Rettor Maggiore e il folto pubblico con due canti vivaci e danzati seguito dal canto “Don Bosco 2000”. There was also the greeting of Mr Director Don Piero Busso who recalled how the Oratory of Trino has now made 120. After the greetings of the Director young people presented a touching scene that had Don Bosco among young people at risk. There was then a funny skit of our children from the kindergarten "Mama Margaret" who represented the parable of the Good Shepherd. He concluded this first part a fine classical ballet performed by our girls from the School of Oratory dance accompanied by the sound of . At this point all our entertainers climbed on stage, attorniando don Pascual e lo hanno intervistato rivolgendogli delle domande da loro preparate.

Da parte del Sindaco e dell’Amministrazione comunale e alla presenza delle autorità civili, si è conferita la Cittadinanza onoraria come riconoscimento al Superiore dei Salesiani per l’opera educativa svolta in questi 120 anni di storia della presenza Salesiana nella nostra città. Uscendo nel cortile dell’Oratorio, don Pascual ha inaugurato il monumento che rappresenta il busto del Beato Michele Rua , fondatore dell’Opera Salesiana di Trino e la targa che ricorda this historic day of his visit.

At 18 began S. Mass in the Parish of Saint Bartholomew , with the participation of many children, children, youth, families, inspired by the songs, some of which also enhanced expression of dance by three groups of our School of Dance Oratory.

A conclusion of this wonderful afternoon, there was dinner at the Salesian Institute prepared by a group of parents and served by a group of our leaders who have made the waiters. The Rector Major ended the day with good night.

Photogallery Event

Renewing Your Driver's License In Ohi

Valdocco online

Ship Diagram- Labeled

Friday, January 28, 2011

Samples Of Church Sunday Program

Festival Don Bosco - Valdocco

As every year, are expected many of the faithful in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Valdocco 31gennaio Monday on the Feast of St. John Bosco. Alle 10 avrà luogo la solenne concelebrazione presieduta dall'arcivescovo di Torino, Monsignor Cesare Nosiglia . Alle 18,30 il Rettor Maggiore della Congregazione, don Pascual Chavez , celebrerà la Messa per il Movimento Giovanile Salesiano.

La giornata dedicata a don Bosco sarà un'occasione per riflettere sui problemi che investono la famiglia e la società, a cominciare dall' emergenza educativa .

Sentiamo il Rettore del Santuario, don Franco Lotto. Audio

* si ringrazia

Thursday, January 27, 2011

How Much Protein Should I Be Taking



Turin, Thursday, January 27, 2011 - Today was held the annual ordinary shareholders' meeting of Public Civil Service Board (Tesco) at the headquarters in Turin, Via Garibaldi 13.

The agenda, particularly intense, provides:

· a 'careful and lucid analysis of the current situation of the National Civil Service;

· programming of significant events aimed the promotion of values \u200b\u200band culture of the civil service;

· the renewal of the Board membership of the association.

The proceedings were opened by the outgoing greeting of the President, Luca Magosso , who, describing the hard work done over the past five years, complained on behalf of the entire table of drastic cuts in current government policies on welfare, who have spared the Institute of Civil Service National.

At the end of his term, Luca Magosso urged the Board to address not only the institution or institutions, but also and especially to those who have lived and live the experience of civil service in person.

After the meeting unanimously elected the new president Don Alberto Martelli, Director of Youth Ministry of the Salesians of Don Bosco in Piedmont, Valle d'Aosta and Lithuania and Representative Committee of the Inter-Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta Federation SCS / CNOS.

La vicepresidenza è stata assegnata al presidente uscente, Luca Magosso , che si è reso disponibile a rinnovare il proprio impegno per l’associazione.

Inoltre, il nuovo Ufficio di Presidenza , risulta così composto:

· Roberto Santoro – Acli Provinciali di Torino;

· Sara Dalmasso – Aism (Italian Association for Multiple Sclerosis),

· Luca Magosso - Centro Studi Sereno Regis;

· Fabio Gallo - Community Pope John XXIII;

· David Paschetto - Commission Synod Diakonia for Valdese;

· Graziella Foul - Caritas, which he was appointed Secretary of the association.

Don Alberto Martelli and thanked his predecessor for his excellent work, said: "Tesco must breathe with two lungs: one political and institutional , strengthening relationships with local institutions to order to stimulate their attention to youth policy, and that operating , relaunching the National Civil Service as an opportunity for young people to education and training for active citizenship through the dynamics of ' learning by doing .

Board of Public Civil Service (Tesco)

The Public Civil Service Board is an association of nonprofit social promotion. Founded on democratic principles and pursue the promotion of the values \u200b\u200bof solidarity, peace and nonviolence through the cultural promotion of the National Civil Service and the promotion of integration between the agencies engaged in Piedmont community service.

The major institutions that members are: ACLI Provincial Torino, Centro Studi Sereno Regis, AISM (Italian Association for Multiple Sclerosis), ANPAS. Piedmont Regional Committee, ARCI Civil Service Federation SCS / CNOS - Salesians and the Daughters of Mary Help of Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta, Community Association Pope John XXIII, GI.OC, Monviso Consortium Solidarity, Cuneo Province, Cooperative League of the Piedmont Regional Committee, Committee for the Synod Diakonia Valdese, Coordination for Peace of the Province of Turin.

Writing Christian Sympathy Cards

Beige +

Have you noticed in stores and in advertising campaigns for spring 2011, the delicious combination beige + Coral? I find it amazing!

The parade DKNY struck me for its clean lines and the efficacy of the combination of colors, is also full of ideas you can imitate the life of every day, absolutely SEE .

DKNY Spring 2011

Even Mulberry is not indifferent to this trend here is that Alexa gets clutch and is declined in coral. The combination with the trench in a classic color is perfect.

Alexa Clutch - Mulberry

If you happen to go to H & M at this time, always up to date, you can not help but notice the presence of coral heads and accessories strategically combined with other items on the shelves beige. With FASHION STUDIO I created a look ad hoc, but the possibilities are endless!

Look created with H & M Fashion Studio

What do you think of this combination of colors? Can not find the beige in this way is much more interesting and fun?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What Does Convection Cooking Do?

Best Psychiatrist In Oc

Coral Lake in the winter sunshine

Sunday afternoon I went to the lake for a walk, I gave up high heels, boots and coats for a day. I wanted to look relaxed but with a certain "something". When I feel so numb risk of being in front of the cabinet doors open in search of inspiration ... that does not arrive, and nothing seems to suit me to come out! A solution that works (almost) forever? The grunge! It gives you that air nice and relaxed, faux shabby and never dull! The secret is to not look sloppy attention to detail ... but I want to treat the topic in a post dedicated to this ad hoc style that I love so much!

H&M boyfriend jeans
Lineaemme belt
Tiffany necklace
Blunauta cashmere and silk sweater
Brandy Melville t-shirt
Silvian Heach shoes
Benetton gloves
Dries Van Noten scarf

Monday, January 24, 2011

2009 :lund Inboard Motors

Any ideas for a buffet ... Chestnuts

for a birthday or a drink with friends Nonno Mario 4 offers simple ideas for your buffet.

Take a slice of bread for sandwiches and flatten slightly with a rolling pin.
Spread the cream cheese, cover with the leaves of radicchio and finally roll out the pate olive black Ligurian Nonno Mario .

Roll gently, close to a sheet of aluminum foil and let rest in refrigerator for a couple of hours before slicing.

dilution of ricotta in a ciotala, add some Italian tuna fillet steamed Nonno Mario , beaten egg, anchovy fillets 5 Nonno Mario sgoccialati, chopped parsley, a meal of parmesan cheese, salt, pepper .
Mix carefully and add enough bread crumbs to make the mixture quite solid.
Shape into small balls that will be placed on a baking sheet covered with lightly greased parchment paper.
Cook for about ten minutes 200gradi.

sun-dried tomatoes.

Pour into a pot the same amount of water and white wine vinegar, add a bay leaf and bring to a boil.
Wash dried tomatoes San Marzano di Nonno Mario , dip into the pot and have them boil for three minutes. Drain and lay on a clean cloth, cover and let stand for one day.
Chop garlic, chilli and basil, add the whole tomatoes and potted. cover them completely with the 'extra virgin Tuscan olive Grandpa Mario and let stand for at least a week in a cool place.


Drain the peaches in syrup Nonno Mario and arrange on a parchment paper. Chop up the ameretti with a peach syrup, add sugar, beaten egg and chocolate powder. Fill the peach halves with the mixture and cook for 15 minutes in oven at 180gradi.

Asperger's Syndrome Symptoms Infants

network on Piemontecreativo

No Future, Mr. Pork's P-Proj
Piemontecreativo is the on-line database of artists under 35 who operate mainly in Piedmont and professionals of art and creativity as press officers, technicians, craftsmen, lawyers and administrative staff. The project contains and unifies the three existing stores in Piedmont: the Young Artists Archives of the City of Turin Torino Piemonte, in print since 1980, the ' Store Site Musicainpiemonte, and the Piedmont section of the archive site

Piemontecreativo is promoted by the Circuit for Young Italian Artists - GAI with the support of Regione Piemonte and the cooperation of the City of Turin. Registration and consultation of the database are free.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Can U Get A Virus From Brazilian Waxing


Devo ringraziare  TITTI e  MARY that I have named "sunshine"! As they did on their wonderful blog tell you seven things about me!

1 - I love the White ... My favorite flowers are white roses and I can not wait to decorate my new house with a candid style.

2 - I like to travel and visit the city. Prepare the bag gives me joy, I savor the happiness of the journey.

3 - I am dealing with (I am a graduate in Environmental Sciences) and I enjoy my job ... but if you ever change the road ... Well, I have a delightful shop of my own!

4 - When I was little I read "The Secret Garden" of Burnett and I remained in my heart. Since then, the garden with the ivy that climbs the surrounding walls are magical places to me.

5 - Something che NON SOPPORTO... le urla, e le spalline che cadono sul braccio!
6 - Di cosa ho PAURA? Di qualunque cosa possa scoppiare... compresi i palloncini!

7 - Sono PERFEZIONISTA e VEZZOSA... ho molta cura delle mie cose e ne sono gelosa!

E ora vorrei nominare:

Friday, January 21, 2011

Splenda Equal Sweet N Low

Tim Horten In Brampton Job

to Colle Don Bosco Feast Day

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cataract Detached Retina

LBD revisited

Cosa mettere per una serata speciale e formale in pieno inverno? Il tubino nero è sempre un ottimo alleato, ma stavolta ho deciso di rivisitarlo aggiungendo un particolare che lo rendesse più originale: il collo di pelliccia!

Ho completato l'outfit con un cocktail ring nero e sandali in suede neri (perfetti anche con il freddo con le calze in cashmere coprenti). Ultimo tocco la mini pochette di pailettes!

Benetton LBD
Fur neck no brand
Bijoux Brigitte cocktail ring
French Connection sequins pochette
Cereda suede pumps
Chanel 18 rouge noir nail polish