Monday, March 29, 2010

Fruity Loops Mpc 2000 Templates


E’ dedicata alle vallate occitane della Provincia di Cuneo la terza serata della rassegna cinematografica “Cherasco Movie”, in programma venerdì 9 aprile a partire dalle 21 all’auditorium civico di via San Pietro 41 a Cherasco.
In cartellone il cortometraggio “I ragazzi della Beò di Bellino” di Elisa Cerutti e   Davide Vacchino (in concorso al festival Piemonte Movie gLocal Film Festival) e la docu-fiction "The girls of Lemon," by Barbara Allemand, who will be present at the end of the projection room for dialogue with the public.

"Girls Lemon" tells the amazing (but true) story of six girls still in their twenties, all from the same village, who in the early fifties enter the Italian national cross-country winning numerous podium finishes in national and international competitions: are Astegiano Elizabeth, Elizabeth Bettone, Margherita Bottero and Franca, Anna and Rita Tosello. These young skiers
-dubbed "the tornado dela valley" and "locusts" - between 1953 and 1958 there's a world leader in the Nordic combined and represent the integrity of the sporting spirit. But the reality with which we must face is that of tourism downhill skiing, a specialty that attracts many other sponsors: the Federation decides to "sacrifice" cross-country skiing, denying them participation in the Olympics and putting an end to " pink dream "of these six athletes.
Barbara Allemand's documentary tells the human side of the story, interviewing the protagonists of direct and alternating points of view between chats over a cup of tea and walking on the tracks where, half a century earlier, the "Lemon Girls" had won their first trophies. It 'a history of sport, of sacrifice and effort, but also of female liberation and a reflection on the "mountain people" and the policy choices that changed the winter sports in Italy.

Barbara Allemand , Turin, has been living for several years in New York, studying acting, screenwriting and directing. He also participated in theatrical productions Off Broadway. In 2006 he founded the production company Baracani, writing and directing the film Rebel Classified. He writes for film with Charles the Great and Fredo Valla.

opens the evening, the short film selected at 2010 Piedmont Area "I boys Beo Bellino ", which tells the celebrations involving the entire population of triennalle Bellino at the reenactment of the expulsion of the Saracens from Varaita, highlighting the great attachment to the traditions and folklore from the inhabitants of those areas.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Can You Recommend A Paediatrician

THURSDAY 'March 25 IN THE "FLAT GLASS" about the struggles of workers of Sekurit SAINT GOBAIN

"Cherasco Movie" devotes the evening of Thursday, March 25 at documentary "Flat Glass - Flat Glass" , about the struggles of the workers of Saint Gobain Sekurit Savigliano, in the race to David Donatello 2010 and projected opening of all Regional Congresses CGIL.
The screening is scheduled at 21 civic auditorium on Via San Pietro 41, guests in the hall directors Alberto Cravero and Fabio Mancari, along with the provincial secretary Filcem-CGIL, Mario Cravero.

Flat Glass begins April 13, 2009, when the announcement of the closure of the Saint Gobain Sekurit Savigliano initiates a labor dispute. The workers, in work uniform, organized a protest outside the gates, in their eyes and their words hints at the seriousness of the situation and their real concerns. They would like someone to blame for this unexpected ordeal, but it's hard to find, because a multinational company, not a face you can "take a punch."
In recent months, has changed their relationship with the factory. Before they got up to go to work, now stationed in front of the factory day and night to defend a job that you do not lose hope. Ever feel like today only serial numbers in those games to "buy" and "sell" them have increasingly marginalized. The documentary tells the story of those workers, the days to protest outside the factory and demonstrations in the streets. The story of their struggle to defend jobs and their dignity.

It 's a film made up of people and faces, the camera moved in a non-invasive way to describe the places and people, looking for a family relationship with the characters and trying to stay inside as much as possible situations that have lived. The original music of Turin PIQ and Mindless Self Indulgence (with the song "Trama Tenue"), recently awarded the Targa Tenco, help the narrative path highlighting the intimate atmosphere and excellent fight told in the documentary, produced with the support of the Province Cuneo, the City of Savigliano of Filcem-CGIL and the three national trade union confederations in the sector of the province of Cuneo.

Cravero Alberto was born in Bra in 1978. Hockey player lawn, is a graduate in engineering from the Politecnico di Torino. Same time he artistic activity as a writer and photographer. Second place at the Literary Contest "sweaty papers", published in the journal Smemoranda Brothers & Sisters of the work "Stages: stories of fish and men living in small spaces." In 2006 he founded together with Fabio Mancari's house video production Stuffilm creativeye.
Fabio Mancari was born in Lamezia Terme in 1977. He graduated in flute, he graduated in 2002 at the Turin Dams in theory and practice of audiovisual language. After spending some years in Milan as an editor for Sky Sports and Mediaset Premium, moved to Turin as scorer for the thematic channel Juventus Channel. In parallel for performing operator-editor for documentaries and short films and teaches courses in introduction to cinematography.
" We met by chance some of the workers of Saint Gobain Sekurit Savigliano: their story, although similar to many others in this historic moment, there appeared in a different reality ... for the way in which the company has decided to close , as has been discussed for the protest, the authors explain - In the documentary tells the stories of working men and women of one of the largest industrial groups in the glass, trying to show off the protest and at the same time to enter their intimate, revealing the impact it has had on their lives find themselves in the box integration with the concern of the future. An alarming situation that brought them to the streets and fight for the defense of its work, and guard day and night the factory. "

opens the evening, the short film selected at 2010 Piedmont Area " Among the trees above the roofs " by Francesco Amato, dedicated to Zizzola Bra and shot at the last edition of the festival "Corto in Bra" .

Monday, March 15, 2010

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"Cherasco Movie 010” si apre giovedì 18 marzo, alle ore 21 nell’auditorium civico di via San Pietro 41, con il documentario “ Il Corridore – The Runner ”, dedicato alla figura e alle imprese sportive di Marco Olmo, pluri-campione del mondo di Ultra Trail all’età di sessant’anni, che dopo la proiezione sarà presente in sala per dialogare con il pubblico e con i registi Paolo Casalis e Stefano Scarafia.

Olmo, di Robilante (Cuneo), è una leggenda vivente della corsa estrema. Ha iniziato tardi, quando gli altri smettevano. Nelle “vite precedenti”, come dice lui, è stato contadino, camionista, poi operaio. Correre è diventata la sua ragione di vita, il modo per riscattarsi da un destino amaro.
A 58 anni è diventato campione del mondo di Ultra Trail vincendo l’Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc, la gara di resistenza più importante e dura al mondo, 167 chilometri (pari a circa quattro maratone) attraverso tre nazioni, oltre 21 ore di corsa ininterrotta sui sentieri attorno al massiccio più alto d’Europa. Uno sport ai limiti dell’immaginabile, in cui la preparazione fisica, mentale e le motivazioni personali sono fondamentali. Uomo di poche parole, determinato, misurato e riflessivo, è oggi conosciuto in tutto il mondo. Non ha allenatori, non segue tabelle o diete particolari. E’ vegetariano e corre con un paio di scarpe da ginnastica that he has customized, as well as the rest of the clothing. His opponents are getting stronger and younger, but despite the relentless passing of the hands of time is he the man to beat.

This documentary is about a year of his life. Despite the age, physical problems and defeats, has no intention of quitting. For twelve months preparing the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc, the race twice in a row he has anointed champion but that could become the last of his career. Mark has to win, to prove to himself that he can still do it.

"The Corridor ", which won a special mention to Marcarolo Film Festival and recently submitted to the Piedmont Movie glocal Film Festival, is the work of directors Paolo Casalis and Stefano Scarafia, also authors of the documentary" People of Earth Mother "that will be screened in the early evening and where some scenes were used by Ermanno Olmi in the documentary "Mother Earth".

"For us Marco is a romantic hero: his challenge to us think epic and moving, his life of renunciation and sacrifice, poetry, and its almost inevitable choice: to win races still to run not to lose hope -authors explain- Marco challenge if himself, against fate, against age and physique. But a battle is somehow lost cause. The inevitable is approaching the future. It can not run forever, and perhaps even now, it can not win like before. His is a story that belongs to us all. Sooner or later things come to an end and it is at these times that we must be able to be brave. Do not stop, or stop and then restart .

Free admission subject to availability.
For information please contact: Cultural Association People, Phone 339-7889466, web